Visualforce Commands
Command | What does it do |
vf_html | Pure HTML no sidebar and related attributes on |
vf_standard | Standard Controller (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_custom | Custom Controller (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_jquery | Standard Controller with Jquery (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_bootstrap | Standard Controller with Twitter Bootstrap (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_mdl | Material Design CSS/JS imported (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_mdl_fixedtabs | Material Design Fixed Table Layout see here (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_mdl_withheader | Material Design with Scrolling Header - see here (Press Tab to fill values) |
vf_includcss | Snippet to include css from static resource (Press Tab to fill values) |
sf_html1by1 | Using ForceGrid, Generates Layout with one Grid(Press Tab to fill values) |
sf_html1by2 | Using ForceGrid, Generates Layout with two grids (Press Tab to fill values) |
Apex Commands
Command | What does it do |
Class | Create Class |
Batch | Create Batch Class |
Singleton | Create Singleton Class |
Rest | Create REST Class |
Queue | Create Queuable Class |
Trigger | Trigger Template (Press Tab to fill values) |
TriggerHandler | TriggerHandler (Press Tab to fill values) |
forEach | Create ForEach Loop (Press Tab to fill values) |
for | Create For Loop (Press Tab to fill values) |
/* | Create Comment Section (Press Tab to fill values) |
SOQLDynamic | Create Dynamic SOQL Query (Press Tab to fill values) |
SOQL | Create SOQL (Press Tab to fill values) |
List | Create a List (Press Tab to fill values) |
List | Create a List (Press Tab to fill values) |
Map | Create a Map (Press Tab to fill values) |
List | Create a List (Press Tab to fill values) |
Set | Create a Set (Press Tab to fill values) |
assert | Creates an Assert Statement (Press Tab to fill values) |
testClass | BoilerPlate for Test Class (Press Tab to fill values) |
assert | Creates an Assert Statement (Press Tab to fill values) |
ApexPage | Template to get Page Parameter (Press Tab to fill values) |
Remote Insert | Javascript Remote Object Template to insert Object (Press Tab to fill values) |
RemoteRetrieve | Javascript Remote Object Template to retrive record for specific object (Press Tab to fill values) |