Project Weave

Visualforce Commands

Command What does it do
vf_html Pure HTML no sidebar and related attributes on
vf_standard Standard Controller (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_custom Custom Controller (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_jquery Standard Controller with Jquery (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_bootstrap Standard Controller with Twitter Bootstrap (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_mdl Material Design CSS/JS imported (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_mdl_fixedtabs Material Design Fixed Table Layout see here (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_mdl_withheader Material Design with Scrolling Header - see here (Press Tab to fill values)
vf_includcss Snippet to include css from static resource (Press Tab to fill values)
sf_html1by1 Using ForceGrid, Generates Layout with one Grid(Press Tab to fill values)
sf_html1by2 Using ForceGrid, Generates Layout with two grids (Press Tab to fill values)

Apex Commands

Command What does it do
Class Create Class
Batch Create Batch Class
Singleton Create Singleton Class
Rest Create REST Class
Queue Create Queuable Class
Trigger Trigger Template (Press Tab to fill values)
TriggerHandler TriggerHandler (Press Tab to fill values)
forEach Create ForEach Loop (Press Tab to fill values)
for Create For Loop (Press Tab to fill values)
/* Create Comment Section (Press Tab to fill values)
SOQLDynamic Create Dynamic SOQL Query (Press Tab to fill values)
SOQL Create SOQL (Press Tab to fill values)
List Create a List (Press Tab to fill values)
List Create a List (Press Tab to fill values)
Map Create a Map (Press Tab to fill values)
List Create a List (Press Tab to fill values)
Set Create a Set (Press Tab to fill values)
assert Creates an Assert Statement (Press Tab to fill values)
testClass BoilerPlate for Test Class (Press Tab to fill values)
assert Creates an Assert Statement (Press Tab to fill values)
ApexPage Template to get Page Parameter (Press Tab to fill values)
Remote Insert Javascript Remote Object Template to insert Object (Press Tab to fill values)
RemoteRetrieve Javascript Remote Object Template to retrive record for specific object (Press Tab to fill values)